Thursday, April 9, 2009

Peter Schiff Vlog Report 09 Apr 2009

Peter Schiff Vlog Report 09 Apr 2009 - These bloopers are hilarious


  1. Peter. I really appreciate you taking the time to educate the people on this. I follow any report of yours that I can see. I 100% believe what you say but I am confused about one thing I was hoping you could explain. I understand market values aren't accurate but what would stop it from having another boom like we recently had if the average investor BELIEVES things are better? Thanks Peter! Just looking for some education on this.

  2. I've read your books, and I have used some of you materials in my economics class, which teaches the price of goods go up, because they become more valuable. I have recently transferred my 401k funds into an international account, and have been using my savings to buy bullion, and scrap gold. I want to make a difference, and I make an effort in the little settings that I'm in, but only wish there was more I could do. My question is in regards to my 401k, and I was wanting to know if you feel an international portfolio is the safest plan vs. other investing options. Thanks Matthew Sturm


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