Friday, October 9, 2009

MSNBC ED Attacking Peter Schiff over calling Democrats Nazis

MSNBC ED is Attacking Peter Schiff over the claim of calling Democrats Nazis

Ed goes after Peter Schiff by twisting his words..Here comes the attack
Evidently Peter Schiff did not call the democrats Nazis as he explained it himself in this Vlog Click here to watch it if you have not already

P.S. : Please be moderate in your comments , no personal attacks or name calling , we do not want to go that low , let's give a good example of civility , thank you


  1. Typical Liberal spin, taking statements out of context and tring to make them fit your agenda, some people need to think before they speak, :)

  2. just another lefty with an axe to grind when confronting reality. does anyone watch MSNBC anymore?

  3. Anyone pursuing this Nazi aspect is a complete idiot and intent on selling his idiocy to the idiotic American public. Why stop there? Let's say he threatened the president.


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