If you are reading this congratulation you have reached the place where you will find anything that Peter Schiff said or wrote in the media , you do not want to spend one hour daily searching youtube for this or that Peter Schiff's video , do not waste your time struggling with misleading Tags and titles , you are a Peter Schiff's fan this is the place for you ... I will keep on uploading Peter Schiff videos to Youtube but more and more often also to alternative sites such as dailymotion metacafe etc.., the clips that are longer than 10 minutes for example will be uploaded exclusively to dailymotion , so keep an eye here I won't be uploading everything to youtube .Working videos as you might already know , digging them converting encoding uploading trimming etc...is time , bandwidth CPU power consuming and hard drive hammering and fragmenting ( Iuse a PC can't afford a Mac ) , I am not the blogger who spends half an hour a day just cutting and pasting and linking to external videos and feed on them like Hyenas , I am not a "cut and paste Hyena Blogger" looking only for hits .I am fully dedicated to this , I spend countless hours doing it . I am here because I believe in this , because I am a fan of Peter Schiff because I want his word heard and his message spread , and because I am a pessimism porn addict like most of you ...I am not here looking for hits , number of visitors , fame ,money or other , otherwise I would have created a blog about Susan Boyle and I would certainly have had 100 000 hits a day easily, , ...so thank you all for your support this blog is already receiving more than a thousand hits a day , I thank especially all those who have sent a small donation it certainly helps , all those who can send it please do , if you can't that's fine , Your donations are not in vain ....This Blog will continue to improve I am open to your suggestions on how to make it better easier to surf faster to load etc...although the original idea was to have VBlog mostly dedicated to Peter Schiff videos I will from now on be posting also his articles interviews etc .. because the search engines robots are more likely to pick the text rather than the videos , this will improve the ranking of the blog in the main search engines ....I have tried to make posting comments for you the easiest way possible , no word verification , anonymous posting ... etc... but This have opened the door to an Idiot spammer who certainly runs some "cut and paste blog" who have been for months linking to my YT videos and feeding from them like a hyena , He accuses me of stupid things like I am claiming to be Peter Schiff which is Utter bullshit ...I never claimed to be Peter Schiff neither here nor on Youtube.How would I be him he probably makes in any media appearance more than what I make in a year or two LOL..... , I was contacted several times by Peter Schiff staff they told me that he thanks me for all my work and that he is happy about it , I am sure he comes here often too (this is how he knew for example that the people were complaining about the sound quality ) your comments are for now to be moderated because of the Idiot Spammer , But do not worry just keep on posting your comments will be visible an hour or two later , just as soon as I log in ...Again this is not a cut and Paste Blog this is a great place where you can come daily to check out the latest media appearance of Peter Schiff , so thank you all for your support help me promote this Blog tell me how I can make it a better place for you , This is your Blog , and Please do not forget to go to the Archive section at the Bottom too for the rest of the videos , I post only 2 to 3 videos on the main page so that it will load faster on your browser ,there is also a list of interesting other blogs that you may wish to visit .... so thank you for your time And again thanks to all those who have donated ...
Yours Truly the Admin aka Pessimism Porn Guru
THE PETER SCHIFF BLOG : An Unofficial Tracking of Peter Schiff and The Libertarian Austrian School of Economics

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Just keep doing that voodoo that you do! and Peter too!
ReplyDeleteAs I said yesterday, I come here every day. I watch and read everything. And I am really trying to spread the word here in Sweden as much as I can, so that we won't make the same mistakes over here, creating money out of thin air, creating an inflationary depression. Next year Sweden is head of the European Union. Hence, I think that you and Peter Shiff just might change history a little bit. Mr. Peter Shiff is really becoming famous over here.
ReplyDeleteAnyway. Thank's for all your effort. You and mr. Peter Shiff are really changing history. Making the effects of the crises less severe.
Thank you Larsson , Tack så mycket also for the donation if it is you Fredrick from Stockholm...
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for maintaining this blog. Much better than searching on youtube. I too try to spread Peter's message. Sound free markets, that's what the world is needing the most.
ReplyDeleteAs a Canadian, I can see the relevancy.
ReplyDeleteThanks Peter Schiff