Thursday, September 10, 2009

the Chinese are funding our bailouts our stimulus national healthcare they are giving us the rope to hang ourselves

Peter Schiff Author of Crash Proof recommends Renminbi denominated Chinese Bonds , and shares that currency is going to soar

China knows the dollar is gonna Collapse they advice their citizens to buy Gold and Silver

"we are living off the backs of Chinese labor they are working hard , they are producing the stuff that we consume and they are lending us the money to buy it " " says Peter Schiff of Europac , Schiff added that it is a good idea to buy Chinese bonds cause they are Renminbi - Yuan denominated , that currency is going to rise , but I prefer to buy Chinese shares , I bought a lot of Chinese utilities "
"The bond market got it wrong because it is manipulated " "The Chinese are throwing good money after bad , at some point they are going to have to come to term with those mistakes and act rationally , and just get out of their positions , take their losses and move on , the longer they do this the worse they are making it for us , the Chinese are funding our bailouts our stimulus national healthcare they are enabling our government to grow , they are financing it , they are undermining the value of our dollar , they are giving us the robe to hang ourselves "

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