Monday, March 18, 2013

Cyprus Investors should Buy Gold instead

Insured Bank Deposits At Risk, America Burns While Obama Golfs

What happens in Cyprus doesn't necessarily stay in Cyprus. The media says it can't happen here but it can. If several major U.S. banks failed, trillions of deposits would be at risk, including hundreds of billions insured by the FDIC. However, the FDIC barely has any reserves to cover the potential losses. A bigger bailout than TARP would be required to bailout depositors. Where would the government get the money? If the Fed prints it, deposits would lose a much more larger percentage of their value to inflation than Cyprus depositors are paying in deposit taxes! Important: None U.S. citizens check out my offshore bank at
Peter Schiff is a well-known commentator appearing regularly on CNBC, TechTicker and FoxNews. He is often referred to as "Doctor Doom" because of his bearish outlook on the economy and the U.S. Dollar in particular. Peter was one of the first from within the professional investment field to call the housing market a bubble. Peter has written a book called "Crash Proof" and a follow-on called "The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets". He is the President of EuroPacific Capital, which is a brokerage specializing in finding dividend-yielding, value-based foreign stocks.

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