A very strong debate yesterday on MSNBC between Peter Schiff and the host on the Ed show on two major topics the healthcare reform and the student loans , should the government subsidize these two sectors or jut let the capitalism dynamics work ...Peter Schiff is obviously with free market and against any government intervention , cause anytime the government have interfered in any sector this becomes deficitary inefficient and expensive
THE PETER SCHIFF BLOG : An Unofficial Tracking of Peter Schiff and The Libertarian Austrian School of Economics

Friday, August 7, 2009
A very heated debate on The Ed Show MSNBC on the Healthcare Reform between Peter Schiff and ED
Labels:Peter Schiff ,Ron Paul
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Can't recall the name of the fool that was interviewing Mr. Schiff. But his is for lack of a better word a jackass. He would not allow one question to be answered and decided that he would ask and answer the questions. This is why I hate the Main Stream Media. Keep up the good Peter.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't even finish watching this because this A-hole wasn't interested in a honest debate. Peter Schiff is amazing.
ReplyDeleteThe fool who wouldn't let Schiff get a single word in edgewise was named Lawrence O'Donnell, and he essentially filibustered Schiff the entire interview. It was utterly disgusting. It's unnerving to see real free market economists and real conservatives like Ron Paul be censored in this way. Check out my Blog @ http://federalrobbery.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteRight, who is this a..hole ED, besides some propogandist for hire stooge, that asks questions and then answers them for you? how about shutting up for a minute so Schiff can answer. Poeple like that really burn me up. Like my father, who grew up in post war Germany, always said, "they should be shot!"
ReplyDeleteThis was not an interview it was the bullying of a guest. No questions, no answers only cheap rude asides by Ed. A shameful display. I can't imagine that anyone seeing this exchange whould have a different opinion. Hey, Ed this is America not Venezuela. Lets hope capitalism survives this onslaught by so many like Ed.
ReplyDeleteThis show was a waste of time. I am though - despite the host's very successful interruption - indeed, a narcissist guy - happy that I finally heard Peter explain himself on the healthcare issue. Lower income tax, and tax the health benefits - I am currently receiving health benefits, and I am not in CT, and it's an unlikely step for the current administration, but despite my possible shooting myself in the foot, I believe that this is a sound decision. I believe also that McCain or one of his team was supporting this idea of introducing health benefit tax, - which I was totally appalled by at first, till I figured it out - and exempting first $5000 of this income from taxing. Anything above $5000 a year will be taxed from health benefits.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Peter reads these comments.
wowwww, this ed dude is an ass. i swear hes reading from the pelosi playbook.
ReplyDeletebrad maynard
Typical---I don't like any of your ideas, so
ReplyDeleteI will cut you off before you can explain any of
them---and then quote you on a previous question response to a new topic to confuse the audience into thinking your former response was your answer to the new topic.
MSNBC is a circus and the interviewer is a clown.
ReplyDeletewhat an ass hole
ReplyDeleteA typical "bushwhacking" from a big mouth liberal dip shit! That's all they can do since there is nothing to really sell in this Nazi banker sponsored Nobamacare eugenics debauchel from hell. This guy has all the class of a Tasmanian devil with a gigantic case of diarrhea.
ReplyDeleteWhat a Jerk!
A typical "bushwhacking" from a big mouth liberal dip shit! That's all they can do since there is nothing to really sell in this Nazi banker sponsored Nobamacare eugenics debauchel from hell. This guy has all the class of a Tasmanian devil with a gigantic case of diarrhea.
ReplyDeleteWhat a Jerk!
It's combat. Peter needs to be prepared with his own "gotcha" zingers to stun these interviewers into at least a momentary silence, and be quick enough to fill that silence with a solid sound bite.
ReplyDeleteI want to tie this son of a bitch up and force him to listen to rush for 2 weeks and force his shaking and sweating and craving for liberal drug to leave his body so that he can over come this sickness and then be allowed to think rationally.
ReplyDeleteThen maybe he'll let Peter have one second to say a thought which is not exclusive to defending himeself against liberal rants.
Peter Schiff is 100% correct in regard to what he is attempting to explain in this interview. What O'Donnell did to him is one of the most unprofessional and vile journalistic exercises I have every watched. Calling it journalism is being polite. O'Donnell is clearly trying to help the failed Chris Dodd. This was a left wing hatchet job. O'Donnell is too stupid to even understand how the government distorts the free market and increases the cost of everything they meddle in. Go price a college education at a state school in 1965, 1985 and 2005. As soon as Uncle Sam decided to loan money for higher education the schools simple increased tuition costs. In some cases by a factor of 10! Long gone are the days when a student could work 20 hours a week and pay for their room, board, and tuition. The government destroyed this most wonderful model for attending and paying for college. Healthcare is no different. The government distorted the market for medical care and now it is unaffordable for many Americans. You cannot have the government distorting markets. Look at defense spending. Why is it so expensive? Because these vendors only have 1 customer. The U.S. Government! There is not free market. There is no competition. Hospitals and Schools no have one customer. The one who pays!! The government! So the cost goes up because people like Dodd vote for more spending. This is the problem with the entire Democratic party. They only know one thing. This one thing is how to grow spending and increase the size and scope of government!!!!
ReplyDeleteED, the interviewer is a complete asshole. Why have Peter on his show when he is not willing to listen. At least, let Peter speaks his position rather than putting words in his mouth. Is not even an honest debate but there is no place for honesty in today's politics and that's why we should support Peter in his Senate run. We should donate to his exploratory campaign.
ReplyDeletePeter hasn't even officially announced and the Left has already sent the attack dogs out. This is just the beginning...at least he knows what he will be up against. And he is certainly up to the challenge!
ReplyDeleteThat A-Hole more than likely has a hidden agenda. He has no intention in letting him finish his sentences or to let him express his opinion. He wants Schiff to look like a fool who doesn't know what he is talking about, so that he wouldn't stand a chance when he decides to run for senate.
ReplyDeleteWe need to hear more interviews like this. Guys like "ED" are Peter Schiff's best friend. They will allow people to see how absurdly uniformed and incompetent so many people are. I would ask "ED"....have you ever predicted anything accurately? Do you think Peter Schiff was just lucky? "ED", you are an extraordinarily unexceptional man. Thank you for helping us see the need for more exceptional men like Peter Schiff...and let's hope there is enough time to dig us out of the problems people like you create.