Tuesday, April 28, 2009

a new Clip from Peter Schiff's End the Fed Rally 24 Apr 2009

The FED liquored everybody up with phony money ...The Nation had an industrial revolution before the creation of the FED in 1913 , the dollar is a federal reserve note an I owe you nothing from the Federal Reserve is no more gold and silver as it's supposed to be ...


  1. Money was invented by the whores of Rome.

  2. Peter,
    The fact of the matter is that people wanted an "easy" life. They sold their farms and moved into cities. There were times when our economy did well and there were plenty of jobs. Just happened that as other nations increased their manufacturing capacities and became competitors things started to crumble. We had became too "prosperous" for our own good. People in other countries work for pennies and have no benefits. We cannot compete with them. What we had left was the capability of creating bubbles to ward off massive unemployment.


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